The production is based on divine unity which features the truth that Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are indeed one and the same. There are three parts to this dance drama - the first segment depicts Shaivism through the aesthetic dance of Lord Nataraja (Shiva) as he is revered as the Supreme Being, the second segment details Vaishnavism, exalting the magnificence of Lord Vishnu as the Supreme Lord and the third segment portraying Goddess Gomathi (presiding deity at Shankara Narayana Temple) witnessing the culmination of the union of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu as Lord Shankara Narayanan. The dance drama showcases different hymns drawn from major sources like Thevaram, Periyapuranam, Thirumandiram and the hymns of Alwars, all beautifully inter-woven.
Padmashri Kunnakudi Shri. R Vaidyanathan
Hon’ble Justice K.S. Bakthavatsalam